Amelia Earhart: The Sky’s No Limit, Forge, 2005
Named to 2006 New York Public Library’s “Best Books for the Teen Age.”
Capital Characters of Old Cheyenne, High Plains Press, 2005
Featured interview on C-SPAN Book TV, 2014 Cities Tour, Cheyenne.
Dreamers & Schemers, High Plains Press, 1999
Selected nonfiction, books:
“Retirement of the Windmill,” and “Pasture Fires,” Ankle High and Knee Deep: Women Reflect on Western Rural Life. Gail Jenner, ed. Guilford, Conn.: TwoDot, division of Globe Pequot Press, 2014.
“The Icebreaker,” Writers and Their Notebooks. Diana M. Raab, ed. Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press, 2010.
“More Than a Locomotive to Separate Us,” The Way West: True Stories of the American Frontier. James A. Crutchfield, ed. New York: Forge, 2006.
“Cattle Kate: Homesteader or Cattle Thief?,” Wild Women of the Old West. Glenda Riley and Richard W. Etulain, eds. Golden, Colo.: Fulcrum Publishing, 2003. (WWA Spur Award Finalist.)
Selected nonfiction, magazines:
“Amelia’s Autogiro Adventures,” Aviation History, March 2008. (WSHS Publications Award.)
“Six Steps to Making Your Biography Snap to Life,” The Writer, January 2007.
Selected WyoHistory.org publications:
“Trouble at Lightning Creek: ‘A Stained Page in Wyoming’s History’” (July 30, 2018)
“Earhart Once Piloted ‘Weird Windmill Ship’ across Wyoming” (May 18, 2016)
“John E. Osborne and the Logjammed Politics of 1893” (Feb. 6, 2016)
“Touring Wyoming ‘Awheel’: Boneshakers to Bicycles Built for Two” (Sept. 12, 2015)
Additional nonfiction publications, 1993-2018:
WyoHistory.org, Casper Star-Tribune, The Wyoming Woman, WREN, Art of the West, True West, Private Pilot, Pilot Getaways, ByLine, WWA’s Roundup, Persimmon Hill, Wyoming Tribune-Eagle, The Fence Post, Saratoga Sun.